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Saturday, 23 February 2019

IT IS NOT A CURSE - just a warning

IT IS NOT A CURSE - just a warning
Change ourselves or face problems in future

Whenever someone is angry at our actions and says something unpleasant about our future, like 'you will suffer in future' (implied -> you do not understand the difficulties until you face severe problems in future), it is not their curse that brings about problems for us. It is our own wrong ways, if continued, that brings about difficulties. Those words from others are like the rear-lights / brake-lights of the vehicle in front. They are just a warning for us to slow down or change course, if we want to avoid accident. It would be stupid to blame the brake-light for cursing us into an accident.
Conditions not favourable - drive slowly, carefully, with full attention
Sometimes even parents yell at the children seemingly cursing their future ("big difficulties will come your way when you get older [nalla kashtapadu]"). They may be angry at disobedience, or lack of discipline. Sometimes it is adamant behaviour that ticks others off, or just plain lies / falsehood uttered often. Out of frustration, anger or disappointment our own friends / relatives curse us "wait till it happens to you"!

Fast forward to the future - if the "predicted" outcome follows, it does not mean that it was due to the "curse" of such a friend / relative - that is my opinion. They were only acting like brake-lights of the vehicle in front - they have experience of taking the road in front of us and are warning that we are not driving properly in that particular situation. The brake-lights cannot curse us and cause accidents. It is our lack of control, or bad observation or just plain wrong driving habits (speeding, weaving, texting while driving - whatever) that leads to accidents.
Be Thankful, they were signalling that we are going downhill - better to take proper steps
Similarly, we have to evaluate ourselves on whether the root cause of a (supposed) 'curse' is true in ourself. If it is true, and we realize+accept the truth, it is time to change to avoid future problems, difficulties or even accidents. Occasionally, the utterance is out of mis-understanding and we may be on the right side - then we can ignore their bad-wishes for us.

Don't blame brake-lights for accidents - don't blame negative wishes or predictions (curses) for our own problems.