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Monday 15 August 2011

Interdependence day

I wonder the concept of celebrating independence day... yes, it was independence from British Rule, but Gandhi himself was skeptical saying that Indian Babus will rule us.... It has come true...

Next comes the fact that every country has become interdependent on a few others... we depend on oil from many countries, including Iran.... but someone does not want Iran to supply oil to India easily.... arms are twisted at various positions in various countries. It is big brother or local goonda countries - whichever suits your view....

And with globalization it is definitely interdependent day....

Finally we are totally dependent and at the mercy of people with connections. That has not changed in 64 years as we celebrate the 65th Indepdendence day...

Still India will be great, it's time will come and we will proudly say Jai Hind....


1 comment:

  1. .. and it will come soon too. I'm confident of that
